Di Lu(陆笛)

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NLP Researcher,
Tencent Wechat AI
E-post: dylu [@] tencent [DOT] com

About me

Now, I’m an algorithm researcher at Wechat AI, Tencent.

Prior to joining Tencent, I received the B.S. degree in Computer Science from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications(BUPT) in 2014. In April 2017, I received the M.Sc. degree in Computer Engineering under the supervision of Prof. XiaoJie Wang at BUPT.


My research interests include

  • Document-level Representation

  • Adversarial robustness

  • Conversational Emotion Recognition(CER)

Recent Publications

  1. "FATRER: full-attention topic regularizer for accurate and robust conversational emotion recognition" [ECAI2023] [paper][code]

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